Step aside Daffodils, its time for the Crown Imperials!!

Fritilaria imperialis
As spring kicks into gear with warmer days causing daffodils to fade Fritilaria Imperialis shows all of its meter high beauty. A true extravagance in any garden and sure to turn heads planted singularly or in a group.
From the lily family covering Turkey, Iraq, Afghanistan and the lower Himalayan hills, imperialis was given its name due to its resemblance of an emperors crown when in flower. Despite its exotic look, this hardy herbaceous perennial bulb, is well able to cope in our British climate available in red, through to orange and yellow.

If planting by bulb it is recommended to plant on its side four times its own depth to avoid rot. But at this time of year it is widely available grown in pots.
When planting be sure to use our Fish Blood and Bone Meal to give them a great start. Also every spring add either our Fish Blood and Bone Meal or our Gardeners Friend Multi-purpose Fertiliser along with a mulch of compost to help it perform year by year.
Enjoy this emperor of the plant world!